Author Archives for altdetroit Movement 2016 Schedule Web Application

May 5, 2016 12:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Assembly Line Technologies is excited to announce the launch of our mobile friendly web application for Detroit's Electronic Music Festival: Movement 2016. As frequent fans and attendees of such events, we found found ourselves frustrated by the lack of an ergonomic, mobile friendly solution to navigate the event's schedule while in attendance at the festival. Our remedy was a simple, single page web app.

Couples Resorts 2013 Redesign made it the first of the competition to offer a fully responsive website.

Couples Website Redesign (2013)

April 18, 2016 1:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In 2013, the Assembly Line Technologies team oversaw and actualized a ground up, fully responsive redesign of the Couples Resorts website. Assembly Line Technologies team members were responsible for creating live HTML mock-ups from scratch; translating 2D mock-ups into HTML; conceiving and building navigation and other interactive components, and much more.

Set Times Festival Schedule Webapp

April 17, 2016 9:49 pm Published by 1 Comment

Initially the result of frustrating experiences with many event and festival's mobile offerings, Assembly Line Technologies set out to create a convenient way for attendees to get information regarding schedules and set times.

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